When you go camping, do you have a steady fire?

The other day, this was on my mind. When we go camping, we often keep a fire going all day, which takes some wood and some general time to stoke, etc. How often do you have fires?


In the evening and maybe even in the morning, have a campfire. But midday is for leisurely strolling or trekking, as well as dining.


I used to live in the Northeast. That would be illegal in Colorado, right up there with throwing Snickers bars into a person’s tent while there are bears present. Here, it’s “drown it out” rules apply.


No. We enjoy going fishing and hiking during the day, therefore it would be irresponsible to leave a fire unattended.

Since burn bans went into effect in the west in mid-June, I’ve lit more backyard fires than I have when camping.


Maybe 1 night a year. I would rather look at the stars and not stink like smoke. Hauling around enough wood for more than 1 nights fire takes up too much room in the car. If the kids really want to poke a fire I would rather do it in the backyard.

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It has been a while for me. Living in a dry bush fire prone part of the world I don’t get the pleasure of fires as much as I would like. But I don’t let them burn 24/7. It would be ok of conditions were safe and you didn’t leave the camp site.