As you getting older, what are some things you worried over, but don’t anymore?
What other people think, what helped me do this was telling myself in 100 years it won’t matter. No one will care what you wore, what you said… So just live your life in the moment because no one cares they are also engrossed in themselves thinking other people care, and if they care so what let them fight me if it’s that big of a deal to them😂
nothing’s ever that serious
I always ask myself, will this matter in 3 years? If yes, then I take it seriously
As a content creator I had to teach myself not to care about what other people think…life is truly amazing on the other side of shame
I have been planning to start creating content and the first thing I did was remove people I know from my followers list lol
Just post you might feel that cringe, not that it’s a big deal, but at the end of the day, it’s your life, and no matter what people say, you’re the one in control.
Even I feel that cringe sometimes, but I still post. I just started recently, so I’m just trying to find my style.