Where’s the best spot to find tent poles for a second-hand tent?

I found a tent at Goodwill, but it’s missing the poles. Anyone know the best place to buy replacement poles? It’s a Bass Pro Eclipse tent, in case you’re wondering.

The best option is directly from the tent manufacturer. What brand and model is it? If that doesn’t work, TentPole Technologies is a good place for replacements or repairs, but be warned—they can be pricey. Sometimes, a new set of poles costs more than the tent itself. A Goodwill tent body without poles usually isn’t worth much unless it’s a high-end tent. Hopefully, you didn’t pay much.

I haven’t bought it yet. Still trying to decide if it’s worth it.

Sloane said:
I haven’t bought it yet. Still trying to decide if it’s worth it.

Don’t bother. Unless you’re certain the manufacturer offers cheap replacement poles—and the tent is from a major brand and under 5 years old—it’s not worth it. Otherwise, it’s just a waste, even for a dollar.

Sloane said:
I haven’t bought it yet. Still trying to decide if it’s worth it.

It might also be at Goodwill because it leaks or lost its waterproofing. Check if the seam tape is peeling too. Unless it’s dirt cheap and an amazing tent, I’d skip it.


Had to throw that in there. Sorry.

Tentpoletechnologies.com is your best bet.

Maybe repurpose some fishing rods from Goodwill? Just clip off the eyes.

It’s probably at Goodwill because getting poles would cost more than the tent itself. Tents don’t last forever, even though it’s tough to throw out useful stuff.

You can buy aluminum tent pole segments in the size you need, plus end caps and shock cord. Cut them to length and thread the cord through.

Your mom’s house.