I don’t really see much about them online. They sure do look nice, but I’m curious about the light output. I recently got a 285A for Christmas and love it so far. Was looking at one of these for camping maybe just for the more robust design. But not sure if the output is about the same as what the 285A puts out. Anyone have one and enjoy it? Should I pull the trigger on a Japanese one from eBay?
I have 2 of them. My experience is that you have to keep them pressurized or they will leak fuel. They are super bright and have a cool design. They can be sooty on startup, so I got in the habit of removing the vent and globe before lighting to keep the globe clear. Overall I like them, but I like all pressure lanterns, so take that for what it’s worth.
Interesting about the leak! I’ve never heard of that before. Where does it leak from? And is there a way to stick a match in through the bottom to light, or do you have to use the electric start? Just thinking I’ll use the electric start for windy days, but I’d like to use a match every other time.
Mine does not leak fuel, unlike the other poster. I did rebuild it (there are some rubber o-rings inside that DO need replacement with age) as soon as I got it. It’s much brighter than my 285. It focuses incredibly well with the Japanese-only reflector hat on it. Because of that, it’s my go-to at camp if something breaks and I need to sit at a table doing intricate work to fix something.
The only downside to me is that it’s large, which means the case for it is huge, and that’s annoying to pack for a camping trip.
Mine doesn’t either.
Thanks for the input! Are the O-rings hard to find? And what do the reflector hats look like so I know what to look for? Sorry for all the dumb questions, I’m new to this haha.
Rohan said:
Thanks for the input! Are the O-rings hard to find? And what do the reflector hats look like so I know what to look for? Sorry for all the dumb questions, I’m new to this haha.
OldColemanParts is the place to buy everything to repair and maintain these things. The o-rings are part of the fuel/air tube and the valve. While you can buy the o-rings separately, it’s way easier to just buy a new fuel/air tube and valve. Once you do that, it’ll be ready to run for another 20-30 years.
I love mine. Great lantern, super bright. Haven’t had any issues, although to be honest, my favorite lanterns are the smaller single mantle backpacker ones they sold. I have a couple, and they are great for a lonely solo camper.
Were these ever sold in the states? I’ve got their propane equivalent, which is great, but have only ever seen these being sold by Japanese vendors.
Andi said:
Were these ever sold in the states? I’ve got their propane equivalent, which is great, but have only ever seen these being sold by Japanese vendors.
They were, but they haven’t been for a while now. Recently still sold in Japan even though made in the USA. I am not sure if they still are or not. I bought one from Japan last year, and it had a metal pump retainer unlike my older one with a plastic one.
I think they were the peak of Naptha/White gas lanterns. Unfortunately, hard to get now.
I had one and sold it. A common problem seemed to plague mine: a loose fitting air tube. I loved the way many parts of it were sturdily built but baffled how the internal parts like the burner assembly seemed flimsy. Maybe because mine didn’t work at 100% it didn’t burn bright compared to other Colemans like the North Star propane or a 500cp Coleman like a 236 or 237.
It is worth owning; it’s a unique modern Coleman.
I have 3 and talked my dad into one. Absolutely love that model; it’s my favorite one to date. There’s a US and European version with slightly cage color differences. I got 2 brand new on eBay from the same guy and 2 used but in good shape. The only downside is the mantle size isn’t cheap, but I’ve used a 500cp mantle with no issues—just not quite as bright.
Any other differences between the US and Euro models? Glad to hear it, though! Really tempted to grab one now haha.
Rohan said:
Any other differences between the US and Euro models? Glad to hear it, though! Really tempted to grab one now haha.
Not that I can remember at the moment. I do remember them being shown on the box as dual fuel but not advertised super well about that. There’s a guy on Facebook named Ron Gay, if I remember right, that makes the tool to remove the detent in the generator so they can actually be cleaned, and it’s pretty cheap but well built. The vent, glass, and cage are that of the propane models, but the burner is just a bit different. It can be used if needed with just a bit of modification, but I’d try to get one that is complete and well-packaged when shipped since parts are harder to find now without costing an arm and a leg from Europe.
Also, my European models both had a black cage and bail vs. the USA’s uncoated look as you have pictured.
Fair enough! Thanks again for all the input! Found a nice Japanese model. Hopefully, they package well when they ship it over… Is there anything I should do or check if I buy one and get it shipped over? Any specific leak points I should be aware of? I’ve seen the Japanese ones as dual fuel, either using white gas or pump gas, so that’s nice!
I know it can be a hot topic in some pages, but if you use pump gas, I would recommend ethanol-free and high octane if you can find it. A place near me carries 97 ethanol-free, and that runs really well without being dirty. I would also make sure the tank holds pressure ok, and the auto igniter works. It might take some adjustment, but one of mine wasn’t putting out spark where it should, and I had to bend the tabs so it would make contact. If you have any questions when yours shows up, feel free to message me, and I’ll do my best to help.
Cheers, thank you. That’s something I always wondered about what octane to use. Thanks for all the help, and I’ll be sure to keep you posted when mine comes in!