Testing Glow-in-the-Dark Zipper Pulls

I don’t have experience with these but I do wonder why you would need them. If it is too dark to see the zippers it’s too dark the find what is in the pocket. I’d either flip on my headlamp or just feel around in the dark.

I’ve been stuck in my sleeping bag before. It was a cold night and I completely zipped up the bag. I couldn’t push the bag open so I had to find the zipper. Being completely in the dark it was really hard to find it and I actually felt a bit of panic. Afterwards, I was thinking how useful glow in the dark zippers would have helped in this situation. This was quite awhile ago and I’ve got a better sleeping bag with smooth zippers now. So it hasn’t been an issue.

I like to sleep with my headlamp still around my head/neck to avoid that midnight panic

Peyton said:
I like to sleep with my headlamp still around my head/neck to avoid that midnight panic

Have you heard of tritium? It’s a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, which glows 24/7 (as long as you don’t breathe it in, it’s safe). I’ve had a tritium keyring on my keys for years, they’re super useful. Maybe putting one on your zip could help? Mine is from nite glow but you can get them in all shapes and sizes from other brands.

No need, I already have a headlamp. I also use a quilt (no zippers)

Peyton said:
No need, I already have a headlamp. I also use a quilt (no zippers)

Smart move :slight_smile:

This is why I use a quilt.

Harbor freight has gitd cordage.
It’s ok. But the price is nice.

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Yeah I have the Amazon ones. They do remain visible in complete darkness for most of the night for me though.

Those would be great at festivals.

Look into tritium vials if you want all night glow, however you are rarely in pitch dark when you are doing something unless you are refusing to turn on a red light on your headlamp. tritiumworkshop has some decent options.

Man I’ve got some glowing zippers, that are on a camel back, I received as a gift in the 2008 Teva Mountain games. The little buggers still glow.

These are great. There is another material I can’t remember the name of that have these small little squares that are also really good and even cheaper. Under a dollar a piece and glow a lot longer than I would expect.

I’m also very curious. I’ve seen good results for Lumimod washers but at $15/pr plus shipping I’m looking for a cheaper alternative

I think part of the issue was they were only charged for 1 hour, whereas leaving them out in the sun for a longer period would yield better results.

Willow said:
I think part of the issue was they were only charged for 1 hour, whereas leaving them out in the sun for a longer period would yield better results.

I thought that, too, and I’m testing it, but a few sources tell me it should only take a few minutes in direct sunlight to fully charge.

Couldn’t yall just paint your zip pulls with glow in the dark nail polish?

Zoran said:
Couldn’t yall just paint your zip pulls with glow in the dark nail polish?

No thats not fancy enough /s (I say as someone who loves fancy travel gear)