This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
Kiran said:
This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
Absolutely, his depth of knowledge is astonishing. He’s the real deal.
Kiran said:
This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
Absolutely, his depth of knowledge is astonishing. He’s the real deal.
Absolutely agree. His determination is remarkable.
Kiran said:
This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
Truly a legend. And yes, his eating habits are like those of a child.
Kiran said:
This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
Truly a legend. And yes, his eating habits are like those of a child.
His way of eating that ash-free bread always gets a laugh.
How does he do it? When I try, my bread ends up covered in ash.
Chen said:
How does he do it? When I try, my bread ends up covered in ash.
It’s all about the temperature of the coals; really hot coals don’t leave ash.
Chen said:
How does he do it? When I try, my bread ends up covered in ash.
It’s a mystery to me too!
Chen said:
How does he do it? When I try, my bread ends up covered in ash.
Try wrapping the dough around a stick and holding it over the coals.
Kiran said:
This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
I found his show recently and it’s been soothing during a tough time. His forgetfulness is somehow endearing.
Kiran said:
This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
Who is this guy
Kiran said:
This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
Who is this guy
Check out the Outdoor Boys channel on YouTube.
Clay said:
Kiran said:
This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
Who is this guy
Check out the Outdoor Boys channel on YouTube.
This is Luke from the Outdoor Boys channel, and today I’m joining in the forum chat.
Whenever my girlfriend asks what’s on TV, I tell her it’s ‘LUKE HERE FROM THE OUTDOOR BOYS YOUTUBE CHANNEL’ – she’s not amused.
Kiran said:
This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
Kiran said:
This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
Nerds have always been cool. It just takes some people longer to see it. The classic movie nerd/jock dynamic is so overdone.
Kiran said:
This person really embodies the ultimate knowledgeable enthusiast.
His improvisational skills are out of this world. He once went 12 miles in the wrong direction but still managed to find his left snowshoe and car keys.
Nate said:
Thanks for the straightforward answer, now we can all resume our less serious posts.